Expect no blogging today. I'm taking the day off.
If you're bored, surf the blogrolls.
If you need your daily dose of shafenfreude, read how poor ol' Gonzo can't find a paying job. Seems there is no real market for Constitution-shredding ex-attorney generals who may wind up being indicted. Or, if you're more cynical, it could be that faced with a rising tide of Democrats, nobody wants that putz on their letterhead.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
My Cuss-O-Meter pops a fuse every time I even think about that guy but I am going to jam some tin foil in it and say that this motherfucker is lucky he ain't in fucking jail right this second!
He can't find a fucking job because anyone with an ounce of brains in their head has to know this sonofabitch has multiple court appearances in his future as a DEFENDANT!
He must be as stupid as he looks that he hasn't tried to get the fuck out of the country!
Somebody PLEASE snag this bastard off the street!
Hand me the pliers, the tin foil is smoking.
Well, you have to remember that Rumsfeld had to get the fuck out of France last year to avoid being arrested. If these guys leave the country, they're subject to arrest.
Gonzo has nowhere to go.
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