The Bush Administration claims that North Korea was helping the Syrians build a nuclear reactor.
This is where the Bush Administration has brought us today: Unless there is corroborating evidence from an independent entity, I start from the premise that the Administration is lying. I start with the presumption that somebody in the Bush Administration (presumably Darth Cheney) is seeking to start a war with somebody over something. I do not believe that any Bush Administration official can be trusted to tell the truth about anything at any time to anybody.
I am not willing to take them at their word about anything.
I assume that I am by no means alone on this.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Damnbetchya! You're not!
Yep, I posted on my own blog that folks stupid enough to believe the Bush Administration over this probably still think Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction -- i.e., they're fuggin' *idiots*.
'Nuff said. When the IANA or some other reputable party sez it was a nuclear reactor, maybe I'll believe'em. But the notion that tiny impoverished little Syria could put together a nuclear reactor in secret when nobody else on the planet has been able to do so, not the North Koreans, not the Iranians, not the Pakistanis... it doesn't pass the giggle test.
- Badtux the Skeptical Penguin
I rather suspect you are not entirely alone.
you are so not alone......
the lying track record speaks for itself
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