From Cogitamus via WTF is it Now,
So this is the entire question (but be a good reader and click on their blogs so they get the hits):
Do you think if Barack Obama had left his seriously ill wife after having had multiple affairs, had been a member of the "Keating Five," had had a relationship with a much younger lobbyist that his staff felt the need to try and block, had intervened on behalf of the client of said young lobbyist with a federal agency, had denounced then embraced Jerry Falwell, had denounced then embraced the Bush tax cuts, had confused Shiite with Sunni, had confused Al Qaeda in Iraq with the Mahdi Army, had actively sought the endorsement and appeared on stage with a man who denounced the Catholic Church as a whore, and stated that he knew next to nothing about economics -- do you think it's possible that Obama would have been treated differently by the media than John McCain has been? Possible?
And -- this is fun to contemplate -- if Michelle Obama had been an adulteress, drug addict thief with a penchant for plagiarism -- do you think that she would be subject to slightly different treatment from the media than Cindypills McCain has been? Anyone?
Me! Me! (waving hands) Betcher ass, Teach!!
Funny how those "family values" Republicans are the ones who are divorcing their wives. Seems to me there was another Republican of national note who divorced his wife when she was seriously ill. Oh, yeah, Newt Gingrich (thanks to the Google), who was excoriating Bill Clinton for the Lewinsky affair while Newt was stepping out on Wife #2. And then there was Mr. Seven of Nine, the Republican from Illinois who was going to sex clubs.
Of course, once the Democrats get done with the circular firing squad that is their nomination process, there will be plenty of time to start peeling the bark off Sen. Hothead.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
you forgot bob livingston -- another family values republican having an affair while chastizing clinton....
and bob packwood, mark foley
should i go on
Of course, once the Democrats get done with the circular firing squad that is their nomination process, there will be plenty of time to start peeling the bark off Sen. Hothead.
Git 'er done!!!
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