It is time for a partial ban on Tasers. The ban would only apply to law enforcement.
Tasers were originally promoted as an alternative to the use of deadly force, to give the cops an alternative to shooting people. That was an admirable idea. The problem is that Tasers are not being used in that way, they are being used for things from "shits and grins" to torturing small animals.
Would the cops have shot this guy?
Or how about the doctor who was having a seizure and the response of the cops in Nevada was to shoot him with a Taser, killing him.
Or the cop who shot a guy with a Taser for mouthing off to him.
Or a cop who Tasered a shopper in Best Buy.
It is becoming clear to the casual observer that the police are using Tasers, not as a substitute for deadly force, but as a substitute for skill. The cops are using Tasers as a torture device: "You won't do what I want you to do, so I'll torture you a little with this gizmo."
Tasers are too dangerous and too tempting to be in the hands of the police. Only civilians should be permitted to own and use Tasers, because a civilian who uses one wrongly is going to be sued into homelessness. The cops, at worst,just get a lecture from a superior along the lines of "don't do that again if anyone is watching."
Tasers need to be removed from those who are abusing them. Outlaw the use of Tasers by police.
(H/T to Badtux)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
29 minutes ago
The one that really got me was when the Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) cops tased a guy in the crotch, catching his pants on fire. Oof. Talk about hitting a man where it hurts...
- Badtux the (Male) Penguin
Well, I didn't want to steal all of your stuff.
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