The folks at Fort Fumble are "suspending" the program that fed propaganda to quote independent unquote military analysts (otherwise known as "paid shills").
Note the emphasis on "suspending." That means that they are more than likely going to restart the program once the fuss dies down.
(H/T to HuffPo)
If it isn't clear to you that when a uniformed spokesman starts talking about the Iraq War, that you should treat the words of the spokesman with the same skepticism as a press release from the White House, then congratulations: You have managed to lobotomize yourself, for you are just one of the useful idiots of the neocons. The briefings given to the press in Baghdad and elsewhere are about as trustworthy as those given by someone who is trying to talk you into believing in their cult (or to join Amway). There is no truth emanating from the Pentagon, Baghdad or Central Command. There are only different shades of lies.
Here is one reason why you should not trust them: For all of the claims of the Bush Administration of "Iranian meddling in Iraq," you will hear no discussion about the armed insurgent groups that the U.S. has sponsored to try, through a group known as PEJAK, to overthrow the Iranian government. You will not hear one word about that from the Pentagon, from the Bush Administration, or, for that matter, on any of the network news shows. But it only takes a few functioning neurons to figure out that the Iranians might not be too happy about the U.S. sponsoring armed groups in its country and might want to to indulge themselves in a little bit of payback.
Only a real moron would assume that they could sponsor guerrilla attacks against another nation without any repercussions. Which is to say, anyone working in the Bush Administration.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
22 minutes ago
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