The second target is a box of 9mms, same distance. A few went low and to the left, as I was trying to work on a little faster second shots.
And this is the start of the cleaning process. Not only do I not like the smell of Hoppes No.9, I don't think it's the sort of shit that I want to be inhaling, so I wear a half-mask that has VOC-rated filters. I used to shoot at a range that had kind of iffy ventilation, I wore the mask there, too. Some of the other shooters used to give me funny looks, but fuck them, it wasn't their lungs I was worried about.
Nice grouping.
Damn, you're fast. That was up all of ten minutes. :)
Ever tried Slip 2000 instead of Hoppes? It doesn't give off any toxic fumes.
No, I'd never even heard of it. I'll look for it, thanks.
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