We are about this far past this moment, when Lieutenant Command Codpiece was strutting his stuff:
Several thousand dead Americans (including those from the Coalition of the Billing).
A couple tens of thousands of Americans wounded or maimed for life.
Up to eighty years worth of services to be provided for by the Veterans' Administration for those wounded or maimed.
Several million Iraqi refugees.
Tens of thousands of dead Iraqis, if not hundreds of thousands.
Several hundreds of billions of dollars from the US Treasury, to be paid for by our descendants.
"Mission Accomplished." "Stay the Course." "Return on Success."
Yeah, right.
Might I suggest this, in memory of Sen. Aiken of Vermont:
"Declare Victory and Get the Hell Out."
No chins were found.
2 hours ago
Dear Leader already declared victory. Have you forgotten Mission Accomplished Day (May 1, 2003) where he even posed under a banner to that effect?! So all that's left is the "get out" bit, okay?
- Badtux the History Penguin
Keith Olbermann mentions how many days have passed since MA-Day at the end of each broadcast.
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