So let's see when the Republicans line up to criticize Pat Buchanan's magazine for calling Gen. Petraeus a sycophant. Or let's see if they are going to criticize that modern version of the Hindenberg, Rush Limbaugh
(.....pardon me while I clean up the barf from typing that name.....)
who called active duty soldiers who are combat veterans and who dare to disagree with the Chimperor "phony soldiers."
Hey, you drug-addicted fascist gasbag! Let's see your DD-214!
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
The Busheviks try to pretend that Pat Buchanan doesn't exist, because Pat's been against their Glorious Adventure In The Middle East since day one. So he basically gets the Trotsky treatment, exiled from Republican orthodoxy. They won't acknowledge that he even exists, much less criticize them, because then they'd have to admit that even a lot of long-time conservatives had / have concerns about their Imperial Project and Busheviks operate on nothing less than the Sgt. Schultz principle where that is concerned... "I see NO-think! I hear NO-think!".
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