Dan Froomkin, in yesterday's Washington Post, noted that the Chimperor told a bunch of sycophants that he wished he could serve in Iraq except that he is too old.
That is just too rich. Chimpy did everything he could to avoid having to carry a M-16 during the Vietnam War. Anyone who was sentient during that war (and who was paying attention) knows that the National Guard was a place where people pulled strings to get their kids and younger relatives into. While General Hershey and the draft boards were taking everyone they could get their hands on to feed into the McNamera/Westmoreland Meatgrinder, the National Guard didn't need recruiters.
Chimpy got into a "champagne unit" of the Texas Air National Guard, a unit that was the place of choice for politically connected Texicans and athletes from the pro teams in the state. And sure, Disgustus Maximus was so interested in aviation that, to my knowledge, he never flew another airplane after he deserted from the Alabama National Guard.
But now he pines for war. Too bad nobody else in his family, such has his daughters or his nephews, share his desire to go to Iraq and run around in 130deg heat with a M-4 and full body armor.
Here's a solution: Congress should pass a bill granting Bush a waiver of the Army age requirements. And then let the little fuck resign, go through basic and go off to Iraq and fight in his war.
Congress should call the bluff of this disgusting weasel.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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