It's somewhat fitting that MAGA Mike announced his Bathroom Ban on the Transgender Day of Remembrance. I guess he has everything well under contral that he can devote his time to making it more difficult for one incoming Representative to take a pee.
I used to say that that I would not vote for a Republican unless I personally knew them. Well, scratch that. I'm a yellow dog Democrat.
Oil Bet It’ll Take Him A While To Re-Cover
2 hours ago
Just another rethuglican plan to inflict hurt and pain. Its all they can do.
Wow just found out I'm a yellow dog Democrat heck my whole fam damily are yellow dogs can't wait to tell em'
Perhaps they can repurpose the old "colored" and "whites" signs that used to be posted at those facilities. On a related note, I was unaware that genitalia are commonly displayed in ladies rooms. Seems a bit excessive...
I had to think about it. The answer was elsewhere... MYOB!,
Its about rethugs minding the private business of someone else.
If they are checking at the door that's, invading a womans right
to privacy. Which women, unknown, check them all. After all
the men said to. No matter how they dance the line is easily
crossed and a woman gets her privacy violated.
Oh right! Women don't have privacy, or bodily sovereignty.
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