Arlen Specter is mulling over having Senate hearings about the New England Patriots' stealing signals.
This from the leading manufacturer of fake outrage during the time the Republicans controlled the Senate. Time and time again, Specter would be shocked, shocked at something that the Baboon King and/or his minions had done; Specter would threaten to hold hearings or change his vote. But at the end of the day, Specter reversed course/backwatered/caved every time, so much that Specter should be an honorary Democrat.
From torture to illegal wiretapping to numerous contracting scandals to vote-rigging to you name it, the crimes of the Bush Administration are legion. So much to investigate and Specter is getting his panties in a wad because a fucking football team stole signals from another football team?
Give me a fucking break.
I do not care if one team stole another's signals. I don't care if 2/3rds of the professional ballplayers are on steroids, human growth hormone or magic mushrooms. I do not fucking care.
What I care about, and I respectfully submit the Congress should care about, is reclaiming the system of checks and balances that have been destroyed by Der Monkey King and his supine lackeys in the Congress. What I care about is restoring a respect for liberty. What I care about is going back to being a nation of laws, not a nation of dictatorial fiats. What I care about is doing away with the concept of the "unitary executive", which is neocon-speak for a dictatorship.
Who gives a good goddamn about what one sports team is doing to another?
Get fucking real, Specter.
She And Her Mother Should Both Be Ashamed
1 hour ago
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