This article is about how the Marine Corps shitcans the Marines who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD. Rather than help those Marines, the Corps just gets rid of them like they were used tissue paper.
This is how the Bush Administration "supports the troops", with a cheery "fuck you" to those in need of assistance. Because assistance costs money and Halliburton or Blackwateraren't positioned to make a fortune from it. You can bet your ass, though, that if those companies figured out a way to set up operations treating soldiers and Marines with PTSD, every one of them would be treated.
This shit is just outrageous. The Baboon King ought to be impeached, tarred, feathered and dragged thorough the streets behind a team of horses which are suffering from diarrhea, while rotten fruit and eggs are given to the spectators for throwing at that disgraced putz.
4 hours ago
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