You know it's bad when even the Bush Administration doesn't buy the story being handed out by the Musharraf regime. They have been shifting stories faster than the Joe Pesci character "Leo Getz" in the Lethal Weapon movies. There aren't too many people on the planet who would not be willing to believe that Musharraf's government didn't have a hand in the Bhutto assassination, since Bhutto was more or less being rammed down Musharraf's gullet by the Bush Administration. Her party is now led by her widower, a man who was so corrupt the last time around that he was nicknamed "Mister Ten Percent."
And you know it's bad for American credibility when Musharraf seeks to distance himself from the Bush Administration by asking the Brits for help. Even Musharraf knows that George Bush is about as popular as a case of the clap.
(The unspoken thing here is that the Pakistani militants, the Taliban and, to some extent, al-Qaeda, are creations of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. That inconvenient truth is winked at by the Chimperor and his henchmen.)
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
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