U.S. Muslim leaders who supported Republican Donald Trump to protest against the Biden administration's support for Israel's war on Gaza and attacks on Lebanon have been deeply disappointed by his cabinet picks, they tell Reuters.
"Trump won because of us and we're not happy with his secretary of state pick and others," said Rabiul Chowdhury, a Philadelphia investor who chaired the Abandon Harris campaign in Pennsylvania and co-founded Muslims for Trump.
We told you so. We told you that the FOFF would buttfuck you as soon as he got in. We told you that he didn't give a cold shit about the people of Gaza or Lebanon. We told you the kind of people that Felon^34 would appoint and that both he and his appointees hate you. We told you that he would exercise zero restaint of Netanyahu.
But did you listen? No. You let your anger towards Biden blind you to what was plain as day to even the most casual observer. Maybe your votes for Trump or Stein or your sitting on your hands didn't seem stupid to you at the time, but you get the prize nonetheless.
Toyota, assholes! (You asked for it, you got it.)
I can hardly believe any tRump voter is already unhappy with him. Did they not listen to what he said? Just amazing.
I take no satisfaction from their idiocy. In this case, their vote made them a causal observer too.
They let their "feels" get in the way of logic. They didn't listen.
By doing that they became a very narrow single issue voter and
failed to see all the possible outcomes. Those chickens are
already coming to roost.
I expect a lot more of the that isn't what I voted for by a lot of groups
that did vote for Drumpf... They will get the failfest they didn't know
they wanted.
more and more we will see "toyota" and "do stupid things and win
stupid prizes!".
What is meant by toyota?
I can tell you that they did nazi that coming...
A question, could they not also have been the targets of a tactical influence campaign? Consider:
-Trump was clearly the “better” outcome to Israel, at least as far as Bibi’s government sees it.
-Haaretz and the Moderate/Liberal European Media have been getting a pretty solid stream of reports, pictures and data on IDF excesses, excesses trumpeted by the Settlers and their supporters.
-Some of the confirmed IDF actions seems outright stupid from a public relations standpoint (nearly out of the Hamas playbook stupid), and aren’t easily reconcilable with a well disciplined force that has already seen what is being reported…making one wonder.
-Biden was stuck between the two sides, hemmed in by the competing demands.
-By refraining from acting upon U.S. intelligence that confirmed the use of U.S. supplied arms to commit attacks in Gaza in violation of their terms of provision, Biden (and Harris) cost themselves votes from Arab-American voters who had made their demands clear.
-By ensuring the actions in Gaza remained in the news cycle, Bibi’s government assisted Trump in his push for reelection…possibly gaining some payoff, knowing Trumps transactional nature…by effectively neutralizing a normally Democratic leaning voter bloc.
-Meanwhile, Trump siphons Democratic votes by being the more pro-Israel candidate than Biden/Harris because they’re in the middle of the road with the dead armadillos and squirrels.
Bibi gets what he wants, the Settlers get what they want, Trump gets what he wants, and (ironically) Hamas likely gets what they want with Israel perhaps becoming a pariah in Europe. It’s an almost textbook influence operation by a State actor.
Doug, fuller answer: "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota" was a 1970s-early '80s ad slogan. It was ubiquitous to the point that the "Toyota defense" in assault cases was shorthand for the victim receiving what he had coming to him ("he asked for it, he got it").
They voted for Trump, they got Trump. And they'll get 100% support for Bibi and a Muslim immigration ban as a lagniappe.
Some people will cut off their nose to spite their face. Some people like it their way
Burger King - Have It Your Way (1974)
You can get anything you want...
Carry on
The mice in the village voted for the cat as mayor because they all have long tails unlike the rabbit candidate who's tail is a fuzzy ball. "The bunny didn't do anything when the coyote attacked our distant cousin's village after they set fire to his lair."
The far-right settlers in Israel are dancing and the Palestinians are shocked. Maybe those Palestinians need to ask their American cousins why they had their heads so firmly up their asses.
And this about Russia's Girlfriend and her support for killing Palestinians.
dan gerene +1
The FAFO list will be long, and they are at the front of it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Thank you for the clarification, Comrade. I now recall the ad.
“I can’t believe leopards are eating my face!” says group who voted for the “Leopards Eating Your Face Party”.
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