Smith & Wesson's new Model 20. It costs over $300 more than a new Model 27 while offering less (fixed sights vs. adjustable sights). If you wanted rugged sights, you could put a rough duty sight in a Model 27 and still not go over the price difference.
Or you can get a new Python. Or a used S&W Heavy Duty. Both are less expensive. Or you can pay more for a new gun with that stupid internal lock that nobody with a quarter of a functioning brain uses.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
12 minutes ago
It looks like a remake of the "Andy of Mayberry" 38s. I wouldn't have thought that light of a frame to handle full house mags, but if they say so. Awfully pricey though for a thin model 19.
No, those were Model 10s, or their predecessor, on a .38 K-frame. The .38 Heavy Duty/Model 20 was built on a heavier .44 N-frame. The Heavy Dutys were made to handle the .38/44, a higher-pressure cartridge that would tear apart a K-frame in short order.
I believe that a number of the Heavy Duty guns were reamed out to handle the .357, once that cartridge debuted.
Anyway, if Tam swings by, she knows a fuckload more about this than I do.
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