Robert Emmett Fletcher Jr. When Japanese-American farmers were interned in concentration camps, thanks to the racism of FDR and a shitload of other people, Fletcher stepped in to run the farms of some local growers so that their farms would not be lost. He used the money made from the farms to pay the taxes and mortgages; keeping half of the net for his own costs and saving the other half for the families.
A lot of other properties owned by Japanese-Americans (all of them American citizens) were lost because taxes weren't paid or those who had agreed to run them either outright stole them or took everything.
Bob Fletcher was truly one of the righteous among men.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
Thank you for this post.
Its about responsibility. If you promise to do something, do it. IF you should not, don't. There are those that have honor.
The rethuglican lairs however have no honor.
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