Don't buy more. Remember the old maxim: Use it up, wear it out. Make it do or do without.
One tip from Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy is that if you want to buy something online, put it in your shopping cart and then leave it there for a month. If you still want it a month later, buy it.
The world is drowning in waste, a numerous stories about how recucling doesn't happen and how e-waste is dumped on fourth-world nations will tell you. Or how there is so much plastic in the ocean, the fish, the air and in us.
Most petrochemicals were developed within the lifetimes of people still living. And it has taken an amazingly short period of time for humans to pollute the globe with them.
We need to do better. But I have every confidence that we will not. A classic beginning bio experiment is to put a layr of nutrient-rich agar in a petrie dish, put in a drop of bacteria-laden water and incubate it. Bacterial colonies will grow and grow until they consume the nutriets and/or die fromt heir own waste. We are no different, we're just doing it with the fucking planet.
Which may be why Widdle Elon wants to go to Mars.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
Anyone know how to darn a sock?
I damn this darn socks! Did that help?
Go barefoot. Fashion is making everything you own obsolete aka
out of fashion. Computer, car, house... you need a new one now.
If you not in debt and not swimming in stuff your doing it right but,
they will say nope, it is all wrong. Thou shalt consume. To not consume your not doing your part to built the economy.
I am all in favor of sending Elmo to Mars.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Funny how some complain about the cost of everything will still be at the store buying quickly disposed of articles. A few neighbors that had Trump signs seem to throw out a lot of stuff even when there is only two of them. I do look and will pick up some things occasionally. I'm sure they would say the prices are too high for everything and they cannot afford eggs because of Biden. They also probably think tariff are a good idea even though their Walmart trips will cost more in the future. My parents got married in 1930, so I was taught to always wear out and use up everything and a look in my closet would prove it,
Talk about recycle and reuse. I took my trash to the county dump and there parked to the side was a shiny Dyson vacuum cleaner with a note: needs belt. Well, we had a beat to shit Dyson and my first thought was aha, parts. Once I got it home I realized it was almost brand new. We have wooden floors at Casa 3ski so I don't need the roller brush anyway. We are happier than a clam at high tide with our new trash yard vacuum. It works way better than our older model and it does not clog, unlike our older model. The kicker is, that it's gear drive, it doesn't use a belt.
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