We had our roof replaced some months ago. The gutter guys had screwed it up, the shingles they installed didn't match and it looked awful. When the roofers ripped off the old shingles, they found that some of the plywood underneath was bad, so it was a good thing overall.
The crew itself was Hispanic. At the end of the job, when we paid the balance to the contractor, we complimented him on the efficiency and cleanliness of his crew. See, after the gutters were done (three times, because they screwed it up twice), we were finding and picking up nails for months. The roofers picked up everything and went around the house a couple of times with magnetic brooms.
We then got into a discussion about the ethnicity of the crew. The contractor said that he had started his business with the intent of providing jobs for Americans. But what he found was that he was constantly getting calls from his workers who were taking an unscheduled day off. The excuses were along the lines of "my car broke down," "I'm a little hung over," "I need to meet with my parole officer" or their partner would call to say that so-and-so was in the hospital after ODing or was in jail. He could almost never field a full crew and he was constantly arranging for rides or picking up guys whose cars had broken down or weren't registered anymore. There were lots of workers' comp claims. And when the crew was there, some worked slowly because they were hung over and most of the time, they took 90 minutes or more for lunch. One day jobs almost always took more than a day. And when they finished, the homeowners' yards were a mess with nails scattered everywhere. Quite often, some of the jobs needed to be redone.
One of his workers was from Central America. He was also his best worker. One fine day, that worker told the contractor that he could put together his own crew if the contractor wanted. The contractor did. What the contractor then found was that the Central American guy had a crew that showed up on time, every day. They had their own transportation. They brought their own lunches and took a short break. They worked carefully (the injury rate sank to almost zero) and diligently. One day jobs took one day. When they finished, they cleaned up after themselves. The rework rate also sank to near zero, he said that he couldn't remember the last time he had to send men out to fix bad work.
Were they all legal? I don't know. But will they be rounded up in Trump's immigrant dragnet? Signs point to yes. To arrest and detain eleven million people, which is what Reichfuhrer Miller wants to do, lots of untrained goobers are going to be tasked/hired to do the work. Even if the error rate is only one-half of a percent, that'll be over fifty thousand legal residents, both naturalized and native-born, who will be detained and possibly deported.
Which brings me to this: If you are not white, it would probably behoove you to cary proof of citizenship with you. It may be too late to get a passport card, which leaves a passport, a copy of your naturalization papers or a copy of your birth certificate (and they should be certified). And commit to memory the number of some sort of legal assistance resource and know where the originals are. Because some cracker with a bent-shitcan attitude might destroy your documents out of sheer MAGA-inspired meanness.
Hope you don't have a taste for lettuce and other crops that are picked by hand. Those are going to largely rot in the fields once the roundup begins. Which will be a roundup that will of a scale of the German roundup of Jews and other groups and may only be slightly more humane.
All you good little Americans, all 73 million of you, will have much to be proud of.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Given how enmeshed our economy is with immigrants, I would bet that this mass deportation will be a Potemkin village, with prolific TV coverage of fearful deportees and not much actual deportation.This tracks with TFG's superficial understanding of the world and the realities of our economy. The maga impulse toward ugly/mean may modify this,however.
"Because some cracker with a bent-shitcan atitde might destroy your documents out of sheer MAGA-inspired meanness."
Nope that's generally (not always) the domain of Leftists.
Most Conservatives will be happy you are a citizen, and won't care after that.
Funnily enough, the Hispanics cared more about border enforcement an any other group in this election....
The meanness, the vindictiveness, that's the domain of the child-like leftist.
Identity is a critical thing even for the apparently white ones. After
all, magats are sick puppies. The'll have freedom to misbehave.
Right, like all of those conservative cross-burnings, the Tiki Torch Racist March, and the scores and scores of cops assaulted in your guy's "festival of love" in 2021.
No vindictiveness there, no siree.
Comrade, It's your site but I'm baffled as to why you indulge this troll.
In NC, all of your roofing and painting will be done by Hispanics and they work like Comrade says. We have a crew that replaces the rotted wood on our decks and they are really good at carpentry. We used to have craftsmen like this when I was young.
Ah, it needed only B, the man of shunshine (my finger's contribution, but a good one) and light, a man of Truth (his), Justice (of whatever the Boss sees fit to give you) and the American Way (of lynching, cross burning and other innocent civil delights). Ah for the days of slave kaffles, all amenity rail cars to take you away to A Better Place. It's Mourning in America...and I feel like shit.
Mencken, we need an update!
Back in 1921, he predicted Dubyah with:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach
their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
The update:
"On November 5th, the plain folks of the land achieved their further entitlement and enshrined their heroic serial rapist, Russian asset, conman and all-around $h!tthead as the Prezident of these Yewnited States."
The experiment has perished.
Yep. Have a leaky roof? Too bad for you. The roofers were deported. Like veggies and fruit? Pickers too. Are you a manly man who eats lots of meat? Tough Shit, slaughterhouse workers disappeared. Want to build a new house? We'll put you on the waiting list. We can't get framers, drywall guys... Gamer? Tough luck, Charlie, all your tech is 20% more expensive. Own a company that needs a new mill? Same thing.
Comrade M,
Did you happen to ask your roofers about their living conditions?
I’m betting your contractor is not paying a wage that these guys can maintain any reasonable standard of living… it’s just way better than where they were.
Our rock ribbed conservative farmers in my area have the same complaints… They want a reliable hand that can drive a truck, fix a tractor and run a cotton stripper, who is willing to stay home, unpaid, between seasons or when it rains and will work for $12 an hour. Guess who they hire…
The market will adjust, your roof and my jeans may be more expensive, but we don’t need to exploit cheap labor.
Over here (.za) we have massive unemployment, and if you need someone to fix your roof or in general as you said, pitch on time, provide own transport and lunch, do a good job... you hire a Malawian or a Zambian. If you part your car in a dodge area at night, there will be a guard with a reflective jacket and a large stick and he will most likely speak French and sometimes have a PhD. And no idea whether our news makes it your way but we have rampant xenophobia and no matter what goes wrong, first thing is the foreign stores get looted. That's people for you.
DWW, no, we didn’t. When they broke for lunch, we tipped them $50/per. They told the contractor that. He told us that they appreciated it, and assured us that he pays them a good wage so they will stay with him.
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