Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
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JD is not the asset Trump thinks he is, especially in the area JD came from:
Not liked very much, not at all. The fatal bit is that jokes are being made about him, by the folk Trump is hoping to court.
Ack! This is the clip I was thinking of as to the jokes about JD:
eg: "He washes his skillets!" -- a jab that the locals really get, but that others who don't use cast iron skillets on a regular basis likely won't.
You area ware that Colbert is not news?
Also, are you gonna use the the same metrics to look at the speech of your presumptive candidate? She often sounds like she is a dementia sufferer in her speech.
I am aware that Colbert is not news, just as I am also aware that Fox News is not news.
You are supporting a candidate that is demonstrably slower than he was in the past. But we all know that it’s OK if you’re Republican.
I'll ask again: Are you gonna use the the same metrics to look at the speech of your presumptive candidate?
Or are you gonna give her a break because she is female and democrat (and "Black")? (quotes because she is not of african ancestry, but pretends to be.)
Hey, at least yer not censoring me when I ask the hard questions. That is a start. It takes courage. I am proud of you.
Right, like you and the rest of your ilk weren’t harping on Biden’s verbal missteps.
I delete your comments when you’re offensive. You have a tendency to end with an insult. Like your left-handed compliment.
As to the rest, this is my blog. You don’t pay me. You don’t care for what and how I write, then hit the bricks, bucko.
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