Seen on the street in Kyiv.

Words of Advice:

"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- The TOFF *

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"Stay Strapped or Get Clapped." -- probably not Mr. Rogers

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

* "TOFF" = Treasonous Orange Fat Fuck,
"FOFF" = Felonious Old Fat Fuck,
"COFF" = Convicted Old Felonious Fool,
A/K/A Commandante (or Cadet) Bone Spurs,
A/K/A El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago, A/K/A the Asset,
A/K/A P01135809, A/K/A Dementia Donnie, A/K/A Felon^34,
A/K/A Dolt-45, A/K/A Don Snoreleone

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Running Down Rundo

Pro tip: If you're on the lam, stay off social media. Because if you don't, you'll fuck up and be located.

Rob Rundo, a neo-Nazi who is on the run from rioting and conspiracy charges, was located easily by Bellingcat in Bulgaria. He seems to think that he's got some sort of fascist brand that has to be promoted. With luck, he;ll promote himself right into a prison cell.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Goombye, Stewie

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was convicted Tuesday of seditious conspiracy for a violent plot to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential win, handing the Justice Department a major victory in its massive prosecution of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

It wasn't a complete win for the Feds, as not all defendants were convicted of all of the charges. But they all were convicted of something. The ones they were convicted of can put then away until the 2040s, if so sentenced.

Just another sad entry in the "Fucked Around and Found Out" file.

Groaning These Down, Here

Senator Cassidy, You Are Flat-Out Wrong

You are wrong about that. That is, indeed, the Republican Party. The TOFF is the de facto leader of your party, whether you like it or not.

I don't see the Republicans having the courage to kick the Asset and his neo-nazi ilk out of the party, not until enough people of conscience and integrity who are Republicans leave the party. Which I doubt if will happen anytime soon. The ony thing that prodded the GOP sixty years ago to kick out the Birchers was revulsion over the Birchers' dancing in the blood of JFK.

If rampart antisemitism and a coup attempt aren't enough for Republicans to disown Trump, it's hard to see what would be enough. Mel Gibson must be cursing his timing; nowadays, his tirade at the deputy who arrested him for DUI sixteen years ago would have been shrugged off in the Trumpian Era.

Anything short of The Orange Demigod's presiding over a cross-burning will be rationalized away by those hand-wringing Republicans, as they have done everything else.

Shorter GOP: "It's Only a Fair Election if We Win."

Officials in rural, Republican-controlled Cochise County of southeastern Arizona, near Tucson, voted to delay certifying the results of this year's midterm elections and to miss the state's legal deadline of Monday, despite finding no legitimate problems with the local counts.

Their guy lost, there is no known problem in their county's conduct of the election, but they're refusing to certify it because, in short, their guy lost.

That is how a goodly number of Republicans roll these days: It's only a fair election if their side wins.

They are, frankly, wannabee fascists.

Monday, November 28, 2022


One more lifetime resident in the NYS penal system.

Every Cargo Airplane is Now a Bomber

The Zoomies have tested a weapon system that turns a lot of cargo airplanes into bombers. The Rapid Dragon is a palletized cruise missle. The loadmasters shove the pallet out of the back, a parachute stabilizes the pallet and then the missile launches.

The term "force multiplier" gets tossed around a lot, but it seems applicable in this case.

"Every Trash-Hauler, a Bomber."

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Unusual Airplane Crash

A Mooney M20J was snared by powerlines:

I've not heard of one like this before.

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

F-16 engine test:

29,000 lbs of thrust, which ain't exactly beanbag.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

TOFF's Nazi Dinner

He had dinner with Kanye and Nick Fuentes. Most Republicans, except for Camden Chris, have not said a peep about El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago breaking bread with notorious bigots.

The Old Orange Fuck denies knowing who Fuentes is, but it's beyond the bounds of credulity that he would sit down to dinner with strangers. If only because he has a fucking Secret Service detail that would insist on knowing who is at his table.

"Polestar" is Not a Swedish EV

It's Chinese.

Integrating China into the global economy has done fuck-all for global peace and security.


Chip at the vet's

"Lemme out, see! I've done nuttin', see! I want my mouthpiece, see!"

(He was sneezing a lot. Vet thinks he has allergies. They had a lot of animals come in for that, recently.)

Friday, November 25, 2022

Kick Herschel the Carpetbagger to the Curb

Turns out he was probably ineligible to run for the Senate in Georgis as the dumbass declared that he was a resident of Texas so he could get a tax break.

Republicans sure love committing electoral fraud, don't they? There's also tax fraud (in case he's a a Georgia resident who is claiming a homestead exemption in Texas) or perjury (swearing that he lived in Georgia when he didn't).

Walker is the sort of low-wattage fraud who seems to gravitate towards being a Republican political candidate.

Because It's Friday

More British steam

If you think that 45596 is puffing a lot for the rotation rate of her driving wheels, you're right. She's a three-cylinder locomotive.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Stuffing These Down, Here

Happy Thanksgiving

Playing the entire song on the radio was a Thanksgiving tradition. Some of them were commercial stations-- almost nineteen minutes of no commercials. And some of them played it twice, at noon and 3 PM. WBCN did that, back in the day. But they changed formats (and call sign), so I don't know what they do, now.

It was basically true, at least the first part. The judge in the tale was really blind, he had a Seeing-Eye dog. He played himself in the movie (as did Officer Obie).

I hope that if you're in America, you and yours have a good Thanksgiving. Try not to punch out your TOFF-fellating uncle or your commie nephew.

And please, enjoy the day without resorting to rampant consumerism.

Or burning down your hostess's house.

So celebrate the day when people, who were being oppressed for their religion, landed on a new land where their descendants could do unto others as was done unto them. Which is the Christian way.

"HAL, Land the Airplane, Please."

That seems to be the way that the world is going and the FAA isn't happy about it. The Euros, on the other hand, are embracing the idea that airliners will be flown by computers, with a single human monitor watching (and trying, with limited success, to stay awake).

I don't know how this is going to work. The trend is going towards a human safety pilot who will do all of his or her flying in a simulator, never flying the airplane for real because of the perceived risk of upsetting the passengers. I can envision that it would become a safety violation for a single pilot to take control, absent an emergency.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jenna Ellis is a Serious Piece of Garbage

But that's about what one would expect from the Christian Taliban.

As for Republicans, the father of the armed asswipe was more concerned that his son might be gay than he was about his killing people.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Those utter assholes, like DeSanctimonious, spent a lot of time yammering about drag queens and claiming, without any evidence, that they were grooming kids. They've been going after librarians and coffee houses that hosted drag queen events, The Proud Boys have been harassing people (most of them masked, because they're cowards).

And now, some wet-brain has acted on all of those lies and killed people.

Funny thing about all that: The churches are full of people who are grooming kids. Just about every denomination that yu can name has had a scandal about it, either large or small. But you don't hear Abbott or MTG or DeSanctimonious talking about that, do you? You don't see these armed lunatics shooting up a Roman Catholic seminary or a SBC meeting because of that, do you?

Five people are dead and more than two dozen people because some impressionable room-temperature IQ jerkoff was programmed to hate by those assholes in the party of hatred, via their version of Radio Rwanda. The proof is in this fact: Not one of those assholes uttered a single vowel of condolences after the shooting. They have not a single shred of humanity in their hell-destined souls.

Triggering These Down, Here

Nazis of a Feather, Flock Together

You know, don't you, that when Fuentes is talking to his people about Kanye, the N-word is frequently used.

The funny thing is that since Fuentes is partially Hispanic, the only job that the Nazis he worships would give him if they took power would be that of sonderkommando.

More Horseshit From an Expected Source

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Braver Than Texas Cops

A 22-year-old gunman opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, killing five people and leaving 25 injured before he was subdued by “heroic” patrons and arrested by police who arrived within minutes, authorities said Sunday.
The gunman was confronted by “at least two heroic people” who fought and subdued the suspect...

Why the West (and, mostly, us) Is Winning in Ukraine

For a not-large expenditure on the part of a number of NATO nations, the Ukrainians have significantly degraded Russia's conventional military capabilities and demonstrated the inferiority of Russian (and Chinese) military equipment.  What nation's military, seeking to upgrade its capabilities, would willingly settle for second (or third)-rate equipment? And, for all the arguments that were made for many years regarding the folly of Central and Western Europe relying on Russian energy, the Russians have driven that point home with a mallet.

The money quote:

In conclusion, on so many levels, continued US support for Ukraine is a no-brainer from a bang for buck perspective. Ukraine is no Vietnam or Afghanistan for the US, but it is exactly that for Russia. A Russia continually mired in a war it cannot win is a huge strategic win for the US.

Why would anyone object to that?

Indeed. Especially because the people who are doing the bleeding in this war, the Ukrainians, recognize that their national interest lies in beating the Russians.

And this:

Bangity; New Heater Ed.

I thought that I was going to close out this year without buying a new gun. That didn't happen.

This is a ANIB Colt Python. The previous owner installed a set of Wilson sights, which, to my mind, are even a bit better than S&W adjustable sights.

Colt really screwed the pooch on their rear sights. From early on, I heard story after story that the rear sight was difficult to adjust, that it used the tiniest of set screws and, if one didn't drench the internals with locktite, it would not hold a zero. I wondered if one took out the teeny set screw to locktite it after zeroing, if that would change things. The answer I got was "maybe."

Anyhoo, I wasn't going to drop Python money on one until the sight issue was fixable. Colt ought to just go ahead and license either Wilson's sights or S&W's rear sights. The front sight, though, is superior to a S&W's. Unlike current-generation S&Ws, whose front sight blades are secured with a roll-pin, Colt's front sight is secured with an Allen set screw. That makes it far easier to change, but then it should be secured with purple Locktite.[1]

The previous owner had bought this gun, put in new sights, then decided that he liked his King Cobra better and he sent it on down the road. To me.

This was the first three-shot group fired in the sighting-in process.

This gun has the sweetest double-action trigger pull that I have experienced in a long time. There's no stacking at the end, it just pulls right through. It is almost as easy to shoot accurately double-action as it is single-action. The single-action trigger, though, is somewhat heavy. It's not gritty, just heavy. It's nowhere near as light as a well shot-in Model 66 or a Model 27. The trigger's face is serrated, which is more of a gamer problem.

I realized, rather quickly, that it is not comfortable to shoot with a high grip like a Smith. Doing that, it beat up my hand even with .38 range fodder. Held a little bit lower, it feels fine and shoots well.

The new Python could be the best revolver on the market, other than a MR73, which costs three times as much and, according to one user, are not impervious to the rigors of competitive shooting. The fit and finish of a new Python is far and away superior to that of a current-generation Model 66. The double-action trigger pull is significantly heavier on my 66-8, which has over a thousand cycles on it.[2] The single-action trigger pull is heavier.

Is a new-generation Python as good as the old ones? If you want a "royal blue" one, you're going to have to find an old one. The older Pythons would go out of time if shot (or dry-fired) a lot.[3] The new model Pythons have been designed to be more durable.

Is a new Python worth the price difference over a similar Smith & Wesson? That's a personal call. But if you're in the market for a new .357, you should check one out for yourself.
[1] Blue might be OK, but never use red, unless you intend to never remove the front sight.
[2] Between shooting and dry-firing.
[3] To be fair, this was how older Colt, not just Pythons, were designed. The hand (the part that pushes against the cylinder's rear star to revolve it) on older Colts was a "wear part".

If They All Use the Same Software to Set Prices, Isn't That Price-Fixing?

That's the argument against the company RealPage, which seems to have a self-operating feedback loop built into its software, which jacks up rents.

If landlords talked to one another and set their rents accordingly, that would be price-fixing and some of them would end up in prison. But if software does the same thing, shouldn't that also be illegal as fuck?

We may find out.

Truth That the Appeasers (and Putinist Republicans) Will Never Understand

Putin has not given up on taking all of Ukraine. Any peace or cease-fire, now, will only enable him to rebuild his army and try again. Land for peace has a piss-poor record of success with appeasing the territorial appetites of aggressors. It seems that those arguing that the Ukrainians should agree, now, to a cease-fire are people from countries with little to no risk of having Russian soldiers crossing their borders in the near-term. The Appeasement Caucus is not from nations that border Russia. It is certainly not filled with Ukrainians, who, by a very large majority, want to expel the neo-Tsarist invaders.

When you see self-styled deep-tinkers argue for negotiating a land-for-peace deal, know that they have either argued themselves into a corner or they are getting something for their stances.

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise


She crashed last weekend.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The SCOTUS Leaker Appears to be Some Low-Level Minion Named Sammy Alito

Because he may have leaked before to his allies in the Christian Taliban.

Bet the Wingnut outrage over the leaking of the Dobbs decision will fade away like cockroaches when the lights are turned on.

That soft moaning sound is John Roberts wringing his hands over the disappearing legitimacy of his court. Fuck him and his well-earned legacy as the Worst Chief Justice since the 19th Century.

Non-Flying Pilots

The Air Force is moving more and more towards training their pilots in simulators.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. It certainly will likely be cheaper,[1] which will satisfy the flag officer/bureaucrats in Ft. Fumble. The airlines were early adopters of simulator training because it's supposedly almost as good, it's a lot cheaper to do it that way and their stockholders don't like training crashes.

But airlines fly the same routes. The crews bid on those routes. The Air Froce suppsedly has to be ready to go anywhere at anytime. Flying real airples has the potential to introduce elements that are not in the lesson plan for that day's flight, which may teach adaptability. And it may concentrate the mind to know that fucking up a flight could lead to going home in a box.

But maybe not.
[1] Air Force procurement can't even buy a fucking tanker without incompetence and massive cost overruns. The Air Force procurement offices should be moved to Stockholm.



Stolen from here.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Astonishing Scene in Iran

Twitter and Eye Damage

Someone once told me about the risk of eye damage from laser light and looking at the Sun. With how the brain processes optic images, it can fill in a lot of what it thinks that is there.

For instance, look straight ahead and observe what is noticeable from the corner of your eye. Your eye has very few cones towards the edges of the retina, so it shouldn't see colors very well. But you see them,nonetheless, because your mind knows how those objects are colored, so it fills that in in processing.

If you were to walk into a pitch-dark room that you know and flick on the lights, you will see what your mind knows is there. If there is something additional, you might have to move your line of sight around to pick it up.

But eventually, with enough damage, your optical processing centers won't be able to fill in the blanks. At that point, you are truly fucked.

This all came to mind when I read BadTux's analysis as to why Twitter is doomed.

Losers of a Feather, Flock Together

Kari Lake, who was projected Monday to lose her race for governor of Arizona, traveled Thursday to former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida, according to two people familiar with the activity.

She tried to rally supporters to turn out to protest outside of the AZ statehouse, a call that was answered by not enough people to fill up a short bus.

She's a loser, baby.

Just like her Fat Orange God.

Because It's Friday

Cumbres & Toltec/ D&RGWRR

Different GOP House, Same Old Shit

There are a lot of problems facing this country, but Gruppenführer McCarthy is laser-focused on Hunter Biden's laptop, the latest fetish for the Party of Stupid.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Spatulating There Down, Here

Is There an Iota of Surprise About This; DHS Inaction Ed.

As bloody, hate-fueled attacks rose in 2019, Homeland Security officials pledged to step up their response to domestic terrorism, funding in-depth research that would help them understand the scale of the problem.

“Accurate nationwide statistics will better position DHS to protect communities from these threats,” the department said in a strategy report.

More than two years later, that data collection has not begun, and $10 million languishes unused because of internal disputes over privacy protocols, according to researchers and an official of the Department of Homeland Security

The research that DHS has got its liver in a quiver often involves the use of open-sources... things that anyone can legally compile. But that's upset their cowardly lawyers because clipping news articles is...bad?

Let's be clear about this, shall we? DHS is never, ever going to do anything about domestic terrorism because those acts are largely carried out by people who are a) white, b) Christian, and c) male. In other words, people who tend to vote Republican. The tell is that if those carrying out the acts uttered the words "allahu akbar", DHS would be all over them like stink on a skunk.

Republicans have, for many years, foamed at their mouths whenever there was a proposal to do anything about domestic terrorism and done their level best to block any such efforts. They are complicit. So, unless either some plotter has the good sense to drop a dime to the FBI, the DHS has been reduced to hand-wringing after a white supremacist kills a bunch of people. They'll go to the scene, mutter verbiage about "thoughts and prayers", agree that "something should be done", but they'll do what they have always done:

Not a fucking thing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Well, Here We Go, Off Into the Land of "Fuck Around and Find Out."

Russia pounded Ukraine’s energy facilities Tuesday with its biggest barrage of missiles yet, striking targets across the country and causing widespread blackouts. A senior U.S. intelligence official said missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, where two people were killed.

A second person confirmed to The Associated Press that apparent Russian missiles struck a site in Poland about 15 miles from the Ukrainian border

I expect that this will not go unaddressed. Because there is not a single nation among eastern Europe's NATO nations, other than Hungary, which has an iota of an inclination to trust the Russians as far as they can throw a T-72. Becasue they know only too well that Russia is a terrorist nation.

Scratching These Down, Here

Wheelgun Goodness

New Colts and old Smith & Wessons:

One of the big gripes with the new Colts is that the rear sight won't hold a zero unless it is drenched with locktite. That seems a bit much for a gun that has a MSRP of $1,500. But there are better sights out there, if you can find them.

The Saudis Are All in on The TOFF

The Trump family has struck a deal with a Saudi-based real estate company to license its name to a housing and golf complex that will be built in Oman, renewing a swirl of questions about former President Donald J. Trump’s mixing of politics and business just as he appears poised to announce a third presidential candidacy.

The Saudis like dealing with corruptable wannabee autocrats.

And nobody is more corruptable than the Asset and his family of grifters.

Nope, Nothing Incestuous Going On With Musk

SpaceX has bought an advertising package on Twitter for its satellite internet service Starlink, said Elon Musk, who owns the rocket company and the social media platform that is seeing an exodus of advertisers.

I suspect that Musk is in more trouble than he pretends. There are a lot of reports that the fit and finish of his cars are somewhere inbetween a 1970s Chevette and a 1980s Yugo, which is pretty damning for a six-figure car.

My suspicion has been that once traditional auto companies started putting out EVs, that they would eat Tesla's lunch. Because Tesla is run like a tech company-- they push out craptastic products and use their customers as unpaid testers. The auto companies tradiditionally test the loving shit out of new products (they have their own test tracks for that) before releasing them. That may be why Tam observed that there were no Teslas among a pack of EVs at a traffic light.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Yet Another Republican Entry For "Profiles in Cowardice"

Mo Brooks:

“It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,” Brooks said in an interview with “Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.”

It takes very little courage to throw a brick at the Orange Demi-God on the way out the door.

Voters May Have Saved Democracy From the Asset's Next Coup Attempt (and more)

Every election denier who sought to become the top election official in a critical battleground state lost at the polls this year, as voters roundly rejected extreme partisans who promised to restrict voting and overhaul the electoral process.

The national repudiation of this coalition reached its apex on Saturday, when Cisco Aguilar, the Democratic candidate for secretary of state in Nevada, defeated Jim Marchant, according to The Associated Press. Mr. Marchant, the Republican nominee, had helped organize a national right-wing slate of candidates under the name “America First.”... “When my coalition of secretary of state candidates around the country get elected, we’re going to fix the whole country, and President Trump is going to be president again in 2024,” Mr. Marchant said at a rally held by the former president in October.

(American Nazi America First story link)

They were pretty upfront that their plan was to steal the next election and enough of the voters have had their fill of that shit.

If you go surf around, you'll find fascists conservatives, traitors, and washed-up TV stars complaining about single women and Gen Z voters deserting the GOP, with whines that maybe the incels can marry those women and force them to vote for their own enslavement. As if that'll happen. Most of those whining clowns won't get married because they use their personalities as a birth-control device.

The next meeting of the Fascist Political Action Conference should be worthy of heavy mockery. Maybe they'll break out the Russian flags again.

And then there is this:

Miss Lindsey deserves special acknowledgement for shooting his own party in the foot. If there was any chance that the Trumpers could shout down abortion as an issue, he deep-sixed that with his proposal for a Federal abortion ban. Because everyone who was campaigning on the issue could then point out that the Rethuglicans would go whole-hog for a maternal-slavery bill.

Your Sunday Morning Jet Noise

Because the Ukrainians are going to rebuild her:

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Democrats Keep the Senate!

So projects NBC News.

ETA: AP, too.

If Warnock beats Walker in GA, then the Democrats will have increased their count in the Senate.

The "red wave" has proved out to be a ripple.

Words That I Never Thought That I Would Say, Even at the Point of a Gun

Those words are these: I agree with Ann Coulter.


Larry, the Chief Mouser of England:

Friday, November 11, 2022

Mriya is a Go

Ukrainian aircraft manufacturer Antonov is rebuilding the iconic An-225 Mriya, the world’s largest cargo airplane destroyed during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the company has announced.

I hope they rebuild it. Because fuck the Orcs.

One Reason Not to Pay Attention to "Think Tanks"

That they were so horribly wrong is, by now, patently obvious.

Burger King Finds Out That "Happy Kristallnacht" is Not a Thing

KFC has apologized after using the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht to promote fried chicken and cheese.

On Wednesday, KFC Germany sent out a message on its app urging customers to "commemorate Kristallnacht" and "treat themselves to more tender cheese with crispy chicken," according to multiple screenshots shared on Twitter
. (Twitter link)

Look for their upcoming promotions for the anniversaries of the Mountain Meadows and Wounded Knee massacres.

Bangity Teaser

A new (to me) gun is coming!

Watch this space. Don't touch that dial!

Because It's Friday

Memories for a young boy:

Spoiled Whiny Brats Gotta Whine

The Republicans seem to love repeating history. This is not the first time that they threw away a good chance to gain decisive control of the Senate by nominating lunatics to run for the seats.

Armistice Day

The guns fell silent at 11AM local time, or about the time this post goes live, on November 11th, 1918. The Armistice had been agreed to about six hours before it went into efect. About three thousand men died between the agreement to stop fighting and the cessation of hostilities. In a war marked by extreme callousness to the wastage of human life on both sides, those deaths may have been the most futile.

Armistice Day was first marked a year later. The Brits later renamed it Rememberance Day. It is still Armistice Day in France. For the Americans, Armistice Day became Veterans Day in 1954. For about eight years, in the 1970s, Veterans Day was jerked around to always be on the fourth Monday in October. But sanity finally prevailed and the day was restored to its intended day: November 11th.

This is the day to honor all those who have served in the Armed Forces.

If you have served, thank you. If a close family member served, thank you for supporting their service.

Please take a moment to remember those who have served.

And, if you wouldn't mind, please do not patronize an establishment that is running a "Veterans Day Sale". Fuck all of those assholes who seek to make a buck off the holiday.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Seditious Bastards Gotta Keep Seditioning

Saving that you want a dictatorship because your ideas are so foul that you can't win an election is the essence of hating this country.

Can we put this Nazi asshole on a plane to Moscow, already?

Almost Forgot About Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Florida Can Go Fuck Itself

Here is the dirty little secret about electoral politics: If your state reliably votes for one party or the other, then nobody gives a fuck about it. Democrats don't give a shit about Wyoming and Republicans don't give a fuck about Connecticut.

Florida has shifted from a swing state to a red state. As such, expect that when it comes to issues that voting blocs in Florida care about (Cuban policy being one), less and less attention will be paid to what those blocs want.

That is just the way it goes.

Beyond that, Florida is a place where the state government believes that "freedom" means "the freedom to agree with us". In that regard, DeSantis and his regime is no different that that of Castro's or Hugo Chavez's or the USSR.

Grating These Down, Here

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

No Matter What Other Results Come In....

.... Dr. Oz fucking lost.

And, to the guy on the banhammer list who submitted a nasty comment chortling about how the Republicans' red wave was going to sweep away everything: Eat shit.

Pro-choice state constitutional amendments won. In governors' races, LePage in Maine lost, Lake (AZ) may lose, Whitmer (MI) won.

Also, Boebert may be out.

And this:

Because that's how the Asset rolls.

Also, this:

And this:

One More Feature for Idiots Who "Drive" Teslas

Tesla drivers will soon be able to take a video call directly from their vehicle’s touchscreen dashboard, Zoom announced Tuesday.

My guess is that they'll be able to do that if the "autopilot" is engaged.

Because Musk basically hates people.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022