There is more than one "Red Hen" restaurant. It's not a chain.
This is one in D.C.:
Same for one in Connecticut and in New Jersey.
Before you go calling and making death threats, or fake reviews or fake reservations or calling in fake reports to the health department, make sure you're aiming at the right target.
Because on this kerfuffle, as far as the Right goes:
1 hour ago
Love the fact she used her Official Twitter account for the knock...ethics violation number fifteen thousand, three hundred thirteen.
"Ethics, schmethics" is the motto of the Trump Administration
True, I note that Donnie is still hitting out at people and businesses via his “personal” Twitter account. I guess he thinks it isn’t an ethics violation that way...too bad he’s likely wrong, eh? Plus, on the defamation front, I would think a nice fat lawsuit from that restaurant, likely held till he leaves office, might be kinda fun for a pro bono attorney with an anti-Trump boner.
Expecting Trump to act ethically is like expecting a hyena to wear a napkin.
She shoulda asked for a piece of cake. Or said she was there with her gay lover.
The the Leftists would have been in a quandry.
While I am all for a business deciding who it's customers are, y'all oughta think about if the roles were reversed. Then you'd be crying "Discrimination" and such. Replace "Republican" or "Trumpster" with "gay" or "jewish" and see if it still flies as appropriate in your worldview.
B, maybe you should go refresh on anti-discrimination laws.
Discriminating on the basis of religion or sex (and yes, courts are reading sexual orientation to cover that) is illegal. Discriminating on the basis of political party is not illegal.
B: It"s discrimination based on thought.
If she would have shown up at any of the restaurants I worked in, I would have cooked a meal for her, as whether to enforce the "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" sign in the dining room was the front of the house's call, not mine, and if I showed up for work you can bet that I was gonna do the damn job.
That said, I did see that sign enforced at least once at every restaurant I worked in, but I still cooked meals for many, many reprehensible customers, and they all got good food from me.
-Doug in Oakland
B: Being a Republican isn’t an intrinsic characteristic that a person can’t change.
But the right wing/evangelist wouldn't bake a cake.....
But the right wing is so civil and polite! They would never harass a restaurant owner!
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