Maybe the show itself is nothing to write home about, but I still loved the sight of that 707 with turbojet engines, even if it was pretty crappy CGI.
The captain was waay to young. Jet captains back then were at the top of the seniority heap, which meant that they were either WW2 vets or, on Pan Am, pilots who had flown the old seaplane Clippers.
I'll probably skip the rest of the series. Might be different if they used real 707s.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
28 minutes ago
They couldn't afford the fuel for real 707s.
Mad Men's success spawned a few shows without, apparently, the wit and elucidation that made the original show worth watching.
The other networks just thought, "Hey! Old-timey clothes and misogyny, and we're gonna be rich!"
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