Buddy Roemer: "Corporations don't give a damn about America."
Roemer wants to get big money out of politics, because it is corrupting the entire political process. Of course the Republicans are doing their best to give him the Ron Paul treatment.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
19 minutes ago
Buddy Roemer is a flake. Sorry, but he is. He switched to the Republican Party in the early 90's because Edwin Edwards was running against him as a Democrat and sucking the air out of his campaign fundraising, but we're talking about a guy who once received a Japanese trade delegation at the state governor's mansion while wearing his bathrobe and fuzzy slippers -- i.e., we're talking about Governor Moonbeam territory there. I have absolutely no idea what he thinks he's doing trying to run for President, he has no money, no reputation, no credibility. He'd have trouble winning election as a dog-catcher in Louisiana, nevermind President.
- Badtux the Louisiana Penguin
He may be a crackpot, but when it comes to the issue of the corrupting influence of big money in politics, he is spot-on.
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