WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a nationwide warning about al-Qaida threats to small airplanes, just days before the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.The last thing that I want to do is to run afoul of some trigger-happy F-16 driver.
Authorities say there is no specific or credible terrorist threat for the 10-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. But they have stepped up security nationwide as a precaution.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
29 minutes ago
I'm not staying on the ground this weekend. The weather should be delightful. But I'm not planning on "loitering" around a nuke plant.
Yes. this time they will likely have missiles and guns.
Myself I'd worry about the wake turbulence.
Reminds me of a pilot story back in the innocent 90's. The guy was cruising along at 7,500 ft. and had to contact ATC about some airspace or other.
Well, when they told him to squawk altitude, he had forgotten about the little "Alt" option on the transponder, saw those four knobs for inputting a number...
ATC was very polite to him at that point forward, but there were state police cars waiting for him when he landed!
Yea, I was thinking about the turbulence angle. I guess in theory a fast moving heavier plane like an F16 could just fly by a Cessna lets say and cause all kind of grief for the poor civilian , and without ever having to fire a round. Ugly thought and I don't fly. Hell, I don't even like to drive anymore.
My husband has to fly home Sunday, and neither of us is happy about him being in the air that day. Of course, he didn't want to go where he had to go (on business), so that didn't help matters, either....
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