The NYPD has put its best fascist food forward in dealing with the "Occupy Wall Street" protests. If you say anything at all to the cops, you would get pepper-sprayed, arrested for "obstructing governmental administration", beaten, or a combination of all three. Stand where they tell you to-- get sprayed down with pepper spray.
At one point, a handful of women were standing behind an orange barricade. A high-ranking NYPD good walked over and sprayed them all down with pepper-spray or mace. He walked away and his underlings then arrested all of the women who were sprayed, apparently to justify the suit's spraying them down.
Those women should count themselves lucky that the cops didn't take them back to the precinct and rape them with broom-handles. Or maybe the cops did just that.
The NYPD seems to be made up of some brutal fuckers, that's for sure. One thing that has been apparent for the last ten years or so: New York City is pretty much a Constitution-free zone when it comes to the Bill of Rights.
Update: On full display world-wide.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
26 minutes ago
I have to wonder where the so-called "defenders of the Constitution" and the media. Oh that's right... the puppet masters don't approved of these protests.
I wonder what it would be like if they had shown up packing heat and with signs saying something about the tree of liberty needing watered.
We(the USA)condemns Syria and other middle eastern regimes for excessive brutality against protesters in the middle east so how are we different? Who will condemn us? Maybe we should condemn ourselves.
There was no justice when this sort of thing happened in the '60's but in my youth I thought things would get better. They haven't.
The country was born in violence and internal war and I predict it will die in violence and internal war.
We are our own worst enemy.
That's authoritarianism at most, not fascism.
Well, at least the NYPD didn't use live ammo like they do in Syria. But yeah, anybody looking at this video has to say, "man, the NYPD is a buncha assholes." Which, if that was the purpose of these protests -- to show that the NYPD is a buncha goons -- made them a striking success. And that and $1.50 will get you a cuppa coffee at Starbucks.
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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