That seems to be the subtext of Goldman Sach's brand-new plan to spend $500 million to "help" small businesses.
I put the word "help" in quotation marks for two reasons. First, Goldman Sachs has to be smoking crack if they think that anyone will believe for a millisecond that this plan was in the works before their PR image started taking huge hits.
Second, note that 60% of that money will be in the form of "grants and loans" to small businesses. Which probably means that they will give about fifty bucks in grants and the rest will be loans. That, of course, will make the Giant Evil Vampire Squid That is Goldman Sachs even still more money to hand out as bonuses.
Unemployment is up, people are being kicked out of their houses, investors lost a shitload of money and the party of Hoover is doing everything it can to obstruct and delay help for people down on their luck, but Wall Street is raking it in. Again. The real stick in the eye to the American people is that Wall Street used money they borrowed from the Treasury at virtually no interest in order to do it.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
I think Goldmine Sachs has presented an excellent definition of "crocodile tears". If they start speaking of cabbages and kings next we are all in deep doo-doo.
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