Sen. Charles Schumer said Thursday that the Pan Am Flight 103 bomber should be transferred back to a Scottish prison.Yeah, that'll happen. Ghaddafi will put that guy on an airplane to Scotland about the day after el Rushbo gives a blow job to Al Sharpton. Statements like Schumer's go to show why people equate the term "politician" with "overly self-important media-hogging asshole."
Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the terminally ill Libyan bomber released last summer has lived longer than the three months upon which his release was contingent.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
29 minutes ago
Statements like Schumer's go to show why people equate the term "politician" with "overly self-important media-hogging asshole.
That's pretty much how I feel about him in general.
Schumer got my attention with is reaction to the Hudson river midair, calling for regulation of the "wild west" unregulated private pilots out there. His grandstanding, ignorant meddling knows no bounds.
Having said that, I'd rather the Lockerbie bomber rotted in prison too. Or maybe just thrown out of an airplane at fl290 ( with O2 so he enjoys it all the way down. )
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