That would be you and me. We are the children of the stars, for virtually every atom in our bodies, in our homes, our vehicles, even the air that we breathe, was created in the first stars to form in the Universe and the ones formed afterwards, for billions of years. The cores of those stars formed all but the very lightest elements, which then blew apart in massive explosions, spreading those elements across the Universe.
Then, nearly five billion years ago, a molecular cloud coalesced into the Sun, the planets, and the rest of the stuff that makes up our solar system. From the stuff that coalesced into our planet, and from the stuff that collided with it, came everything on our planet including mineral deposits, the seas, the atmosphere and, eventually us.
Pretty amazing.
And, from all of that time and evolutionary processes, we developed into a species that is at least partially obsessed with the doings of some semi-intelligent aging bimbo from a state that freezes over for eight months each year. Which is pretty fucking pathetic, when you think about it.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
OK, so I just finished getting over a hard laugh after trying to make some kind of sense out of this, then I flip over into my "Mostly Harmless: Liberals" folder, and read "And, from all of that time and evolutionary processes, we developed into a species that is at least partially obsessed with the doings of some semi-intelligent aging bimbo from a state that freezes over for eight months each year. Which is pretty fucking pathetic, when you think about it."
I can hardly put this comment together, I'm laughing so hard. Which, I guess, is better than sobbing.
Hope it doesn't bug you that I have a "Mostly Harmless" folder and you're in it.
I just don't give a shit what he rest say. You've become one of my heroes. If I chip in some gas money, could I beg a ride in your airplane?
I can't take cash for flying. There's some rule about that.
maybe we can launch the semi-intelligent aging bimbo from a state that freezes over for eight months each year into orbit around Alpha Centauri, but even the Romulans dont want her
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