In order to believe that Obama wasn't the true winner of the 2008 election, one would have to think that ACORN (and perhaps other groups) stuffed ballots to the tune of over 9.5 million votes, Obama's national margin."Batshit crazy" doesn't even begin to touch it. How does one govern a nation when a significant percentage of the electorate are either certifiably insane or are retarded?
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
How does one govern a nation when a significant percentage of the electorate are either certifiably insane or are retarded?
You can but not very well as we all can see.
Perhaps the pharmaceutical industry has put something in the water. So far, it seems to be working in their favor.
What One Fly said.
Of course, that has been the Republican plan for some time now, we saw it first during the Clinton administration. They aren't interested in what's best for America and America, and have no ideas of their own that aren't repulsive to the majority of Americans if brought out into the light of day, so they focus their energies upon making the nation ungovernable because that will make people so disgusted with government that they'll quit voting. Remember, the fewer people who vote, the more likely it is that a Republican wins. And that's all Republicans care about -- winning -- not about America and Americans.
- Badtux the Governance Penguin
There does seem to be a push to the radicalization of the right. It seems self-defeating, though maybe less aggravating to partisans than the dem's tendency toward the mushy middle.
Shrug. Sometimes I wonder if the futures imagined by Orson Scotty Card and Margaret Atwood will come true. A "reservation", a theocracy split off from the rest of us. And some of those times, I think it would be a good thing.
This is astonishing. On the one hand, that quote's math is off - the votes that needed to be fixed were the ones that would change the electoral college vote. I don't know what it is, but it's probably a lot less than 9.5 million.
OTOH, it's clear that ACORN would have to have been busy in a lot of places where it probably doesn't have much of a presence. Obama won a lot more states than Kerry or Gore did. So ACORN's dilemma comes down to, try to establish a more prominent presence in all those little red states, or swing the vote in the big blue ones, which is probably unnecessary for obvious reasons.
You'd think that thought would occur to some of these folks, wouldn't you?
You'd think that thought would occur to some of these folks, wouldn't you?
Cujo, have you seen some of the signs that those folks are bringing to their astroturf events? Basic spelling is beyond them, let alone analyzing the number of electoral votes needed to swing an election.
Yes, I have. It just slays me how credulous they are. If Limbaugh or Beck offered to sell them a bridge, I'm convinced that half these people would mail in checks.
Cujo, what amazes me is that Bush had all protesters penned into "First Amendment Zones" so they wouldn't offend His Assholiness and Obama doesn't seem to mind openly armed protesters milling around outside of his events.
That sort of tells me which of the two presidents valued freedom the most.
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