Either we pass a piece-of-shit bill now and then spend years tinkering with it, or we reject it to "start over", which of course, means "never."
The main villains in this drama are the GOP and the health care insurance industry.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
You nailed it. That's one reason why I haven't done a lot of blogging on the damned thing recently. It's just too freakin' depressing, it's either a bill that has more problems than the loony bin at the local psych hospital, or more dead bodies. Some choice.
Sadly, I think this is the best that our dysfunctional U.S. political system can do right now. Which is both sad and scary. And it's not all the Rethugs' fault either. Gutless Democratic enablers have quite a bit to do with it too, as does an utter lack of leadership from President Obama, who has proven better at speechifyin' than at, well, Presidentin'.
-- Badtux the Depressed Penguin
Just a view from the other side of the atlantic, feel free to ignore, disparage etc at will.
In the UK universal access to healthcare as a right was established in 1948, against much opposition, not least from the existing medical establishment.
The issue of how best to provide healthcare most effectively / efficently has never been off the political agenda since, and is today a major discussion point for all political parties.
The point: once established as a right, revoking access to universal healthcare has never been a serious political position. Parties fight over the best means to deliver the service, never over the right of that service to exist.
The real point: Once the right to access universal healthcare is enshrined in law, it is almost impossible to revoke; on the other hand, any healthcare law will be subject to continual reform. Healthcare discussion will never stop, but it will be about delivery not entitlement.
The real real point: universal entitlement is a massive ratchet point - once established you will always be arguing about how - not if.
So get universal entitlement and then worry about how good it is...
Sorry for going on so long about something I have no right to interfere in.
Mike, you make a very good point and one that I, albeit reluctantly, agree with.
Badtux, the words "gutless" and "democrat" are almost redundant.
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