Palin was the Queen of the Earmarks before it became politically inconvenient to be for earmarks. That's one.
Second, Palin and the rest of the thugs in the GOP are doing their utmost to shut down the Troopergate investigation. So I think it is fair to ask this: What are they trying to hide? What are they so afraid will come out before Election Day that they are trying so hard to quash or stall this investigation?
Palin went from "hold me accountable" to "what, me accountable" in near record time.
I loved this line: "McCain-Palin spokesman Ed O'Callaghan said Todd Palin no longer believes the Legislature's investigation is legitimate." Give me a fucking break. Who gives a flying fuck what Todd Palin thinks? He's just her goddman husband, he's not the holder of any official position other than being the First Asshole of Alaska.
What are they trying so hard to cover up? Was Palin observed eating the meat of roasted fetuses? What did she do that was so disgusting and so evil that they have to try and bury it so deep?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
I got all giddy when Palin was first announced but I'm not so happy anymore.
It's mostly the rape-kit charging thing. At this point it's clear that the change from paying for them with public funds happened under her watch. It'd be really hard to say that she didn't know when the issue was visible enough for the Alaskan state government to take the issue up and force Wasilla to stop charing the victims or victim's insurance company for the kit.
The whole thing is just so wrong.
Justin, every time I try to write about the fact that Palin had women charged for their rape exams, I want to smash the keyboard.
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