One thing seems to be clear in the wreckage of the economic bailout: Nobody, but nobody, trusts George Bush or Dick Cheney. Those two guys couldn't get more than a third of the House GOP to vote their way.
The other thing is that Bush has gone to the well of "ohmigawd, things are dire, give us the authority and trust us" once too many times. When Bush wails about a dire situation, the national reaction is to shrug and say "yeah, well, what else you got, Chimpy?"
The economic bailout went down to crash, in large part, because Bush is also just phoning it in these days; he just doesn't seem to give a shit. He is watching the calendar tick down as much as the liberals are.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
It is just a giant money grab with the obligatory power grab that is the signature move of these assholes. Bush doesn't give a shit, he has more than he can count anyway.
The fear card ain't working and the dumb bastard doesn't have any other tricks, just the one.
He realized everybody just wants him to shut his pie hole and go the fuck away.
Maybe he'll head down to Crawford for some brush-clearin'. That's his usual solution to everything.
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