From Yahweh to every god and goddess that preceded Him, I want to make it clear that I have the utmost contempt and low regard for George W. Bush and the rest of his Administration, his party of neo-con, and everyone who thinks like him, and yes, that includes McCain and Palin.
Hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street, and you just know that that pack of goniffs will figure out a way to seriously enrich themselves at our expense. The people in invested in those operations, of course, will be screwed. The worker bees in those entities will be royally rogered. But the fuckers at the top have arranged for platinum/gold parachutes and they will go home with seven and eight figure "retirements."
So why do I hate Chimpy and his fellow travelers, you might ask. It is because when Americans in general are hurting, they do nothing other than offer platitutudes. Extend unemployment for those who are having a very hard time finding a job that pays their bills? Oh no, they cried, that would cost too much. Health insurance for children? Horrors, that would add to the deficit.
Bail out Wall Street? Go to war in the Middle East on false pretenses? They are willing to whip out the Federal checkbook in order to do those things. Put a cap on how much those guys get paid? Jack up the top tax rates for the ultra-rich? Oh, no, that would be unfair. Fighter airplanes that cost a quarter of a billion dollars a pop? "How many you want," asks Bush. Better body armor for the soldiers? "Too costly," said Rumsfeld. The costly airplanes enrich Lockheed-Martin and Boeing, but only some pissant companies make any money off better body armor. Better educational benefits or higher pay for the troops? Costs too much. No-bid contracts for Blackwater and KBR? Pay them, no questions permitted, let alone asked.
I do not disagree that something has to be done to try and prevent the Great Depression- the Sequel ("with even longer breadlines!"). But it gripes my gizzard that nothing can be done along the way for Americans who are already living on the edge. It pisses me off that hundreds of billions can be found to help the masters of the universe who brought this disaster about, but there are not even crumbs for the working stiffs who are facing hard times.
Kanye West had it wrong when he said that "George Bush doesn't care about black people," but only because he understated it. George Bush doesn't care about people, period, not unless you make over $500,000 a year and that's probably a low figure.
John McCain and Sarah Palin are no better. All of those clowns will watch the lives and the prospects of those who take a paycheck to feed their families (and whose who dream of a paycheck) go down the shitter and they only laugh: "Pass the canapes and the champers, Muffy."
So damn George Walker Bush. Damn everyone who will not damn George Walker Bush. Damn everyone who doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to damn George Walker Bush.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
Makes me wish I believed in the afterlife.
Ah, damn their souls, anyway. Just because you don't believe in an afterlife doesn't mean there isn't one. Preface the damning by saying "if there is an afterlife, then.."
Thanks for putting what I feel into words!
So damn George Walker Bush. Damn everyone who will not damn George Walker Bush. Damn everyone who doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to damn George Walker Bush
preach it brother!
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