In watching the McCain Campaign for the last several weeks, it seems clear to me that they are not running a political campaign, they are running a circus, replete with novelty acts to distract the audience from the shabbiness of the campaign itself.
Sarah Palin is a novelty act. That one is wearing thin as it becomes clear that she has come to a World Series game with the skills of a T-Ball champion.
The "I'm suspending my campaign" bit was a novelty act that ground to a halt in under 24 hours.
And now, from the Brits, comes word that the McCain Campaign is getting their shotguns ready so they can frog-march little Levi Johnston to the alter to marry Bristol Palin before the election.
Is there any depth that they will not plumb in their desperate attempts to distract everyone from the fact that McCain's platform is nothing more than "Bush, the Sequel?"
(And what the hell is wrong with John McCain's eyes as of late?)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
Let's just pray the preacher who marries the errant teens is the same Kenyan nutter who prayed the witchcraft right outta Sarah Palin.
I don't remember where I read it, but it bears repeating. I don't ever want to hear the Republican Party called the party of "family values" again. They no longer get to be the arbiters of what is good and moral in a "god's gonna get you for that" kind of way. Hypocrites.
Looking at wedding plans, I suggest the classic "Barbecue Wedding", which takes place in the back yard with a dead pig and baked beans and potato salad and a lot of Bud and Bud Lite to get everybody well lubricated. Saves the embarrassment of having to take your shotguns into church to make sure that the groom doesn't take off like Carl Lewis "feets don't let me down!", and is suitably classy for these snowbillies...
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
...continued... The to-be-happy couple is registered at Walmart. Plumbing supplies, kitchen equipment, and power tools suggested. Suggested dress is overalls and a long-sleeve button-up shirt for men, gingham dresses for women. Bring your own lawn chairs and any vittles you'd like to see that ain't on the above list. See ya there!
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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