This is a Savannah cat, which is a cross between a Serval and a domestic cat, named Moxie. Moxie weighs about 22lbs and is a lean cat. I think the owner said that Moxie is an F2, which means that it is 25% Serval. Moxie does some advertising work for ads where the agencies want a large cat in the shoot, but don't want to deal with a wild animal. A cat like this is worth about ten thousand dollars.
Moxie was just lying there, letting everyone who passed by pet and scratch it. Its purr (I didn't ask the cat's gender) sounded like a cross between a hum and a growl.
George has recently gone back to sleeping on this husk pillow. He really has to curl up in a ball to fit on it, but that doesn't seem to faze him.
Moxie is likely a male. Females are too valuable to be used for work like this, while male F2's are generally sterile. Still, beautiful cat, and yes, Savannah cats are very friendly and not afraid of strangers (assuming they were properly imprinted when being raised).
As for George sleeping on that husk pillow, it has always amazed me how *big* cats can squeeze themselves into little shoe boxes and such in order to sleep. Right now my two are spooning up together in the narrow beam of sunshine at the patio door and have suddenly turned very long instead to catch every ray of sunlight that they can. I think my theory that cats are liquids, not solids, may apply here, as you know liquids assume the shape of their containers... cats just take it to a new level, being able to take on the shape not only of shoeboxes, but of sunbeams too.
- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
Wow that Savannah cat looks like he could really pounce hard if he wanted to.
Gorgeous coat and an adorable big nose he's got on him, huh?
I bet he was a cute infant.
i just adopted a new one
will post Carlos soon
DCap, that's terrific!
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