"Nice country you have here. Be a shame if something happened to it.
Trump was demanding that Ukraine sign over its resources with nothing offered in return. He must think everyone else is as addled as he is.
His negotiating skill is similarly deficient. His people are taking stuff off the table before the first session, and it's only stuff that the Russians might have had to give up.
The MR Old Felon is either a Russian asset or he's truly deranged in the membrane.
Take A Break Or Have One, Apparently
38 minutes ago
So you expect nothing from a $150,000,000,000 investment? Its nowhere near the loss in gallons of blood in human investment .
In reference to your last line, why not both?
I will say this again for you: War is not a financial investment. It is not a profit-making endeavor.
The Art of The Steal. TOFF has never given full value or any value at all for what he "sells".
Those of us that lived and worked around NYC its a long standing fact
he screwed people, companies, banks, on payments, as did his dad.
It would have never started if we had not egged it on. If you don’t think all wars are “bankers wars” then you need to study up a bit.
We "egged it on"? We pushed Russia to mass 150,000 soldiers on the borders of Ukraine and then invade a neighboring sovereign country?
Man, you need to delete your bookmark for Russia Today. Putin's warping your mind.
We made a promise to Russia we would not expand NATO. We did. We overthrew Ukraines government in 2014. That further destabilized the region.
Ukraine is a money laundering scheme for both parties. There is something sinister going on there with the seemingly unrelenting funding we give them with no obvious reason for the investment.
War is almost never necessary. It sucks. Ask me how I know. There’s always hidden motivation.
You seem to persist in your illusion that war is an investment. It isn't. Economically, it's closer to a cargo cult.
What I remember is that Yanukovych, then-president of Ukraine campaigned and won on a promise to move towards EU membership. After he won, he reversed and began to move to economically integrate with Russia. A lot of Ukrainians well remembered what it was like to live under Russia's thumb and protested. That Yanukovych began jailing political opponents also was met with protest.
Yanukovych responded to the protests by having snipers shoot protesters (much like Trump wanted to do in 2020). Things went sideways from there for him. To this day, he is widely despised in Ukraine.
But hey, I understand the Right has its own "blame America first" when it comes to the failures of foreign autocrats.
The CIA has no snipers. At all.
Since you are not allowing me to respond to you I will tell you a little. Afghanistan war veteran 02-03. The war was started based off of a lie. I reenlisted to go there because I believed it. I was wrong. I saw things going on there that let me know the “deep state” is absolutely real.
Don’t own a red hat. Never been to a rally. That’s just gay and fake.
What I do know. I’ve seen president trump sweating his ass off unloading a truck that he supplied to my little community that you’ve never heard of after a catastrophic flood in 2016. In Louisiana July heat.
Trump is not my savior, nor my religion. He’s a weapon, nothing more, nothing less.
Politics is a big club and as much as yall would think otherwise, you ain’t in it.
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I read everything and, since nobody is paying me to do this, it's when I get around to it. Comments are moderated because of some assholes (long term readers know who they are. Read the rules on the upper right of the front page of this blog if you're curious.
If I take several hours or longer to moderate the pending comments, that's just the way it is. If that's unsat for you, find someone who cares. It ain't me.
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