So far, he's removed three service chiefs: The Chairman, the CNO and the Commandant of the Coast Guard.
One Black man and two women, all replaced with white men. The dude named as Chairman isn't qualified for the job, other than by skin color.
No bigotry here, you betcha.
He also fired all of the JAGs, evidently to ensure that the lawyers in uniform get the message that they owe allegiance to the Short-Fingered Vulgarian, not to the Constitution or the law.
Which brings us to the next question: apparently, Disgustus Maximus wants to use soldiers for guarding his internment camps. That may do wonders for retention, as nobody signed up to be a fucking concentration camp guard.
Take A Break Or Have One, Apparently
38 minutes ago
To paraphrase Thomas Sowell “ when someone is accustom to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination “.
Trump just named a black lady, that he pardoned for a first time nonviolent offense she committed, as his “pardon czar”.
He was given awards by the black community, dated a black woman, helped black people in many ways that never made headlines, glorified by rappers in their lyrics, all before he put a “R” in front of his name.
Democrats at this point are bailing out the titanic with thimbles and are convinced they are saving the world
Tell me more about these awards and help "that never made the headlines."
The Trump that I am familiar with still insists the Central Park 5 are guilty of rape and attempted murder, even though DNA evidence has exonerated them.
The Trump I'm familiar with, along with his father, did everything in his power to keep black people out of his properties.
But, hey, he dated a black woman.
And all that for the cost of trashing the Constitution, especially the part about the president is NOT a King... And not a Facist Nazi supported by Alt Right and outright Nazi groups who encouraged insurection Jan 6.and then pardoned. ~1500 convicted felons. My parents fought Nazis in WW2, Mom as an Army Physical Therapist, who rehabed my dad who got his femur shattered in Normandy. It took him 3 years and numerous operations before he could be discharged.
One from your “SOURCE!?”
Did you read the article? I especially liked this part:
"the fact that Donald Trump received the award and posed for a photograph says little about his motivations or whether or not he has racist tendencies, only that he received an award and participated in a ceremony meant to honor him (and others)."
So far your argument is that he dated a black woman and he had his picture taken with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali.
Sorry, I'm still not convinced.
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