The DoJ can't find a prosecuting attorney to sign the dismissal motion in the case aganst Mayor Adams. The count of "with all due respect, fuck you, I quit" is now up to six.
What's going on is that there is ample evidence of a quid pro quo in the Adams case and the career attorneys are not willing to flush their law licenses in order to satisfy Mango Mussolini.
Or their freedom as what Bondi wants them to do is, in fact, a crime.
Take A Break Or Have One, Apparently
38 minutes ago
The Rethugs say that the left ‘weaponized’ the justice system by going after Trump. But what they DON’T say is Trump DID the things he was being charged with and convicted of.
And here, the evidence shows Adams DID commit the crimes he’s being charged with, but the ReThugs want to dismiss the charges in order to benefit the administration’s agenda on immigration. So much for integrity and impartiality on that side. The hypocrisy is astounding.
(but not unexpected)
Everyone loves law fare when it’s going their way but at what point does it stop?
The lawfare will stop in the House when the Republicans are the minority again. The new Pam "Bribes" Bionidi lawfare will stop either in four years minus three weeks or Trump vapor locks.
It's all fun and games (we're WINNING) until the grid fails.
Economic Chaos and Lawfare are destructive like the ranting of children of any age.
The major problem is what happens when those with the integrity to follow the law are all gone? Then we no longer have laws, only the whims of those in power to do as they please. Anarchy will prevail, and we can only hope the country can remain intact until the next election.
Present to me the probable cause against Trump.
Agreeing on principle is a good place to start. Not playing identity politics is the next step.
Opposition to cleansing waste fraud and abuse is not a good look for democrats, liberals, progressives are whatever you choose to call yourselves.
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