A B-17 crashed while returning to Bradley Airport with an emergency. At least seven people died.
A lightly-loaded B-17 should have easily been able to fly with one engine out. There is some speculation about that this may have been a fueling error, with the airplane refueled with Jet-A instead of aviation gasoline. Piston engines won't run on kerosene.
It'll be interesting to see what the NTSB report says.
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1 hour ago
Such a tragic loss. First I've heard of the fueling error theory but that makes sense. Hopefully we'll find out soon.
Well, there's combustion residue everywhere, so that hypothesis should be confirmed or denied pretty quickly.
Pretty significant "error". Not like five bucks at the corner pump.
The other part is that he departed the runway IMMEDIATELY after touching down. Odd, that.
I dunno.
I do know that the ATC tapes show that he never declared an emergency.
I like your theory about wrong fuel though.
Deadstick, a look at the fueling tickets should clear it up pretty quickly.
There doesn't have to be a declaration of emergency for circumstances to be treated as an emergency. Common misconception in aviation and ATC. If there is a declaration, it doesn't have to be by the pilot--it can be by the controller. In any event things seemed to happen pretty quickly. Remember the rule: aviate, navigate, communicate. Talking to ATC is clearly not the priority.
Also, be careful what you listen to viz a vis "ATC tapes". I heard one that was clearly a mashup of two recordings, one (briefly) of the local controller (the guy in the cab) and the rest was clearly the approach control (the guy in the radar room). Neither seemed complete, and I'd be surprised if actual tapes were even released yet. I did that part of ATC (preparing tapes and incident investigation) for 14 months for a living during my 30 years.
ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired
Truly sad loss, and now the vultures are coming out. I'm doing the 72 hour rule on this one.
They checked one fuel tank and it was aviation fuel.
-Doug in Oakland
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