So some guy in Oklahoma runs "Steam Rules, Diesels SUCK!!" as a Google search. This old post of mine is the top hit. He blogs about it on a railfan site.
Not that I get a ton of traffic out here on the outer limits of the blogverse, but that has damn near tripled the average daily count.
OAT just dropped into the single digits, with a pretty good wind blowing. Good night to be inside.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
Funny how that works sometimes.
A little while back, all of a sudden out of nowhere,mine went way up for a bit.
I never DID figure out exactly what it was about but I started getting hits from all over the world. The one thing I kept seeing was something about Blogger,publish,with huge url's.
I'd get an error message from blogger trying to track them.
I did manage to find a book review site but for the life of me, I still don't know what it was all about!
And if you think you are out on the edge, I must be on the other side of the Oort cloud.
Busted, I have about 14-18 regulars. Most of the rest of the 60 or so are Goggle drive-bys. Yesterday I had 223 visitors and close to 400 pageloads. That's a record.
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