The Reno air races are leaving Reno, NV after this year's race. The Reno area is getting built up enough that there's not going to be enough open land to safely fly the races.
In a way, I kind of hope they just end some of the races. Flogging around airframes that are approaching eighty years in age doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Down
37 minutes ago
I used to watch the races from my house in Stead back in the 80's.
Always quite the show.
Most of the competitive unlimited racers (the ones that draw the biggest crowds) are only used for racing. from what I've been able to glean over the years talking to Unlimited mechanics and the occasional warbird pilot, 10 hours a year would be a lot. The biplane, formula one, sport and jet class are all entertaining but probably the most competitive is the T-6 class. About the only thing different in that class are the paint schemes.
Maybe it's time to start something along the lines of The America's Cup races for aircraft. Come up with some exotic formula limiting things a bit, yet allowing for inventive designs to be tried.
There's talk of possibly moving them somewhere but they'll always run into the same problems regarding real estate. They were starting to lose some of the luster but Jimmy Leeward's crash in 2011 was the end of the the races as being anything but a showcase. After that tragedy, there wasn't much prize money to speak of, not that anyone ever got rich racing there. About all the prize money did was cover the bar tab. Since 2011. It was pretty much down to 4 maybe 5 racers. Strega (P-51) Voodoo (P-51) Dreadnought (Hawker Sea Fury) Czechmate (YAK-11) were a few that come to mind There are a lot of interesting stories out there regarding the handling and modifications.
This is the end. There will never be another set of air races in the US due to noise and 'danger' complaints. Be prepared for them to start shutting down airshows next with the same 'excuses'.
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