Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.You're here, you've consented. If you don't like it, go read some other goddamn blog. It's not as if you're paying me.
Thank you.
We appreciate it.
Much Thanks!
Back when we were all gonna have blogs and associated rings of blogs. Then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al put the kibosh on that idea. Now you can choose which insular filter bubble you want to live in and ignore reality. Until reality starts to bite. You can be fully supported by thousands of fellow cultists insisting on impossible items such as tracking chips in vaccine and Democratic pedo cannibal rings. But somehow God does not keep Mr Delta away from your door and you die a miserable lonely death for no reason. I'm fine with that. Murica, fuck yea. Your choice. But please be cat-like and drag yourself under the porch to die to avoid killing us normals. We will drag you out from under and bury you when the smell gets high. Thanks Facebook, mass murderer of Q fools and us too.
Thank you for your service.
I've noticed that you attract a few trolls. My first experience with them was in the early internet days when I would post commentary on a local newspaper discussion website. The responses were classic trolldom. Didn't seem to matter what or where the truth was, they were determined to stir the pot. It eventually occurred to me to not post anything since I couldn't control the website. You do an excellent job when confronting them. And yeah I really like your posts and general commentary. And you have a number of highly coherent allies (especially Dale) Whom I admire for their dedication, writing skills, and adherence to facts. It's been a pleasure to visit and post things. Here's hoping you get another 14 years...
Thank you for all the effort. Trying to remember what I was up to 14 years ago. I think I found you via Badtux, but whatever.
Keep up the great work, and don't forget to take care of you.
@Jimmy T
Unmoderated forums are utterly useless. The illusion of anonymity, the ease of commenting, skilled paid state and private hackers, general human vileness and the current wave of nilism all conspire to instantly derail any thread the trolls choose. Self moderated sites like CL use opaque algorithms and user 'flagging' in place of humans. So flagging wars mean 95% of CL clicks in the Community or Politics sections lead only to the white screen of flagged post removal pending. Only strong and frequent moderation and ban hammering prevents dds style social media assaults by amateur and paid (Putin) trolls. Since this site is quite rare in attracting both red and blue tribes people the Comrade gets lots of practice. Kudos for walking a narrow line for so long.
Enjoy this site
Happy blogiversary. I think I must have found this blog from a post on not too long after you launched it. Found a few of my favorite blogs that way, but not so many of them are still hanging in there.
Thank you for doing this.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Like w3ski I first came across your blog from Badtux.I liked the combination of progressive social attitudes with the need for a strong military and respect of the second amendment. The ironic humor,especially when you point out the antics of stupid politicians and other authority figures completes the fun.The aviation and train videos add icing to the cake.
Thank you for the work you do to make this a great blog I visit every day.
Jack the Cold Warrior
Congrats, Ms. Fit. Grab a cold one, you’ve earned it.
For a (expurgated) blog, well-done.
Nihil Obstat
That's pretty awesome. I don't agree with you on the bang bang stuff but we do see eye to eye on the politics. Cheers to you for being there for a great morning read and some laughs. The fact that we can still do this without being jailed is pretty cool so let's celebrate what's left of freedom. Also, what's with the trains? :D
Happy Blogaversity
I too appreciate what you do.
I'm sure I came here from your "babies in open" blog but I was reading one of them at least 14 years ago.
Both have been interesting, and did you see Big Navy has a sailor on whom to blame the BHR fire?
It looks like I did the whole nine yards. It's been a pleasure and then some for my sanity to have such an oasis over all of these years. Hard to find this kind of quality in life these days. Ping me on the other bat channel if there is something I can do for you.
keep up the good work always enjoy the blog and the many perspectives here. And keep up the aviation themed Sunday mornings
Congrats. Bravo XRay
Introduced me to writing in a different way.
Keep cranking, its good.
Thanks, everyone. Your comments really mean a lot to me.
You're doing it right. That's why I;m a regular reader. Thanks
I've not been a reader for the full 14 years but I'm not missing it by much. I always look forward to checking in with you on a daily basis.
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