When you drive down a highway and you come across a booth where you have to pay money (or use and EZ-Pass) to continue, what do you call the money that you pay?
That takes no real thought, does it? It's a "toll". If it's on a highway, the highway is a "toll road". If it's on a bridge, it's a "toll bridge." Same deal for tunnels.
But not in Connecticut, no siree. To Gov. Lamont, it's a "user fee". So Connecticut will have "user fee bridges".
Lamont is a shiftless, lying cocksucker, another Trump-style amateur politician who thinks that being successful in business bestows some skill in politics. Lamont campaigned on only putting tolls on out-of-state trucks, a promise he ditched within a week or two of being elected. He is not to be trusted, Hell, if the Republicans had run a candidate who wasn't basically Trump with a different name, they might have won the election. The last governor, Dan Malloy, was the most-disliked governor in the nation, but the GOP had to run a guy who embraced Trump so hard that they had to be surgically separated.
Lamont'll be a one-term governor if the GOP can get their shit together.
Speaking of being separated at birth:
There’s A “Monster-In-Law” Joke Here, We Just Know It
30 minutes ago
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