Make no mistake about it: The current flap about "religious freedom" has nothing to do with religious freedom. It is an attack on the right of women to use contraception.
And as for the lamentations and protestations of the upper-level hierarchy of the Catholic Church: They can stow it. No organization which, for decades, engaged in the widespread molestation of children and covering it up can ever claim the moral high ground. They really believe that they did nothing wrong.
If the Catholic church was not a major religious body, they would have been the subject of RICO prosecutions and a hell of a lot of those clowns now rattling their mouths about contraception would, instead, be residing inside of Federal crossbar hotels.
Cat Pawtector!
2 hours ago
I'm actually willing to let the religious right "win" on this one in a limited way.
Allow groups with a stated religous objection to decide to exclude contraceptive coverage AND sexual disfunction coverage (2 for 1 package, no more viagra for priests too) on the following conditions:
1) A third party must offer coverage for the excluded issues that would, in conjunction with the other coverage offered, meet Federal Standards.
2) The coverage in question must be shall issue (no exclusions).
3) The cost of such coverage must be paid (in after tax cash and in a lump sum) to all employees of any entity electing not to cover such items, in the first paycheck of each year.
Let them squirm about that one for a while...
I can live with their position(no pun intended)on the Use. "Just Say No" can work for them too!
But to deny others the opportunity???
I was adopted at 4 months from "Childrens Home Society". The story I got is my mom had too many kids to handle another. So much better for her(who I never met) to have had Birth Control. Seriously.
I've had 4 kids total and the thought of giving one up is beyond my comprehension. The pain my birth mom must have gone thru for lack of birth control.!!!
It Should be a constituional right
This is personal to me.
I've written to my state rep and both senators, essentially reminding them how the No Birth Control For Catholics thing worked for Pope Paul VI. In case they didn't understand that, I went on to point out that 58% of American Catholic women admit to using birth control, which means there's a likelihood it's really a higher percent. And each one got told: "Women use birth control. Women remember. And women vote."
I also sent it to the White House.
Who knows, maybe one of them will even read it.
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