If you want to know who is the 21st Century personification of Scrooge, it is Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts. He has personally blocked any move to extend unemployment benefits.
Note that long-term unemployment, as in "more than 26 weeks" is especially severe in the Bush Recession. The Republican job plan is summed up in a few words: "Lose your homes and freeze to death this winter, see if we care."
The Republicans and a bunch of Democrat craven cowards have been jiggering with the tax code for decades to make it attractive for companies to ship the better jobs offshore. Those clowns gutted financial regulations and actively conspired in creating a financial hose of cards that came down around our ears.
The banksters who did it are free, alive, and raking in more cash. People who had nothing to do with wrecking the economy are the ones who are bearing the pain of this recession.
And the Republican answer? "More tax cuts for the rich! Starve the unemployed!"
If you have been out of work and you voted for a Republican in the elections last month, you, arguably, are a moron. If one of your family voted for a Republican, it would be wrong this holiday season to punch them in the face and then wish them "happy holidays, asshat."
But it would be understandable.
We’d Love To Hear His Opinion On Pineapples!
1 hour ago
I'm thankful for part time contract work. I have heard from people I know about their loosing jobs, just this week.
A. here in MA the economy still sucks.
B. Repubs, you suck.
I am so so sick of this bullshit from the Right.
What I didn't even mention on my blog was that Georgia has fewer jobs than it did in 2000 and we have about 20% more workers to place.
The idea that people can just "go get jobs" is nonsense. And the idea that extending tax cuts that haven't already created jobs is somehow going to miraculously turn this economy around is nothing more than a lie perpetuated as part of the vast right wing talking point distribution system.
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