The boys at Stratfor think it is likely that future attacks in the U.S. and Europe will be conducted with firearms, not bombs. The reasons are that the skills to make successful bomb attacks are harder to acquire, as are the materials. Firearms are legal in the U.S. and some of Europe and there are places to practice with them.
The counter to that is that the police, since Columbine, have trained in what to do when there are shooters running around ventilating people. And, in many parts of the U.S., the population of potential victims may have people with weapons. Some of the past attackers, whether by luck or design, have chosen target locations where non-police carrying of weapons is forbidden.
The Failed Times Square Bomber had purchased a gun. There are usually a fair number of cops there, though, and he might have thought he wouldn't get to wreak the havoc that he desired.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
27 minutes ago
1 comment:
For years I've suspected that they'd get around to that kind of attack eventually.
If/when any such thing does happen, I wonder what new proposals for US civilian disarmament it will lead to.
(Sorry, but I question both the good judgment and the benevolence of our leadership class. One faction is just a little less flagrantly evil than the other.)
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