At 8:32 PDT in the morning, the mountain erupted massively. Over half a billion tons of ash was blown 12 miles into the sky in a matter of minutes. The pyroclastic flow of lava, rock and ash was so fast that it may have been supersonic (something to think about if you ever thought that you could outrun an erupting volcano). Every living creature within a 200 square mile area, including 57 people, was killed. The dead ranged from scientists and reporters to people who refused to evacuate because they thought that the mountain would not blow up.
Before the eruption:


Two years after the eruption of May 18th, 1980:

It is still an active volcano. There were a series of eruptions, which geologists seem to classify as one long and drawn-out eruption, from 2004 into 2008.
I remember the crusty, old resident, Harry Truman. He interviewed that he was born there, and by God, he was going to die there.
Do I remember right? They knew enough to interview residents?
Watching Yellowstone and 'the bulge' has become one of my new hobbies. If that sht ever blows, we're all so fucked...
Nang, I remember Harry Truman. He might have survived if the volcano had blown straight up. But it didn't, the landslide weakened the side of the mountain and the major force of the eruption went sideways.
CM, yeah, if Yellowstone blows up, we are all going to be seriously fucked. California might have the only arable land in the country for a few years.
its not nice to fool mother nature
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