Will anyone be perturbed if I kill the "follower" thing? It has been expanded by TPTB to advertise some damnable thing called "Google Friends"; I don't do advertising on this blog.
So will anyone miss it if I scrag it?
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
While the decision to kill the widget on your blog ultimately resides in you, my hope is that you won't. I find the icons most helpful in discovering new blogs, many of which I eventually link to.
Like you, I prefer not to advertise on my blog, so the "Followers" widget does present a bit of a conundrum. For now, I'll just assume that Frieddogleg's readers have enough sense not to "chase the bait."
But the followers are easily seen just by clicking on EBM's profile. The widget is just a handy shortcut.
Second BadTux's position- I don't think the widget affects whether EBM is following anybody, or anybody following her- it's just a sidebar widget. I noticed this change yesterday. I'm getting pretty tired of blooger/google changing stuff around with no warning or opt-out opportunity, and announcing "whee! we got another NEW LOOK!" "Chasing the bait" isn't the point; the issue is that there are so few places to even escape the relentless pounding of advertisements- bloggers with sentiments like ours are one resort, and we find ourselves being press-ganged without warning. I'll admit, I have a couple of ads in my sidebar, but it's because I find them amusing; I chose to put them there.
Your Blog, EBM, Your rules.
I have to think about this.
Your blog, your choice.
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