Go ahead, Richard Shelby. Keep on parroting the Wingnut smear that "Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen." Keep taking your talking cues from certified morons such as Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas.
You Winguts were so upset every time we questioned the legitimacy of the (fraudulent) elections of the Chimperor. "Get over it," you said. "Let it go, he's the president now," you cried.
No, I'd rather you keep it up. For that gives us a tool to club you with; we can point to that every time you oppose President Obama on anything and say: "See how insanely crazy they are? Their opposition is driven by irrational hatred, not by anything substantial."
So keep it up. GOP-brand conservatism will slide into the septic tank of history and will, hopefully, be replaced by conservatism based on rationality and not unthinking knee-jerk ideology.
Which will be to the betterment of the nation.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
"GOP-brand conservatism will slide into the septic tank of history and will, hopefully, be replaced by conservatism based on rationality and not unthinking knee-jerk ideology."
From your lips to G-d's ears...
Or "keyboard"...
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