Those are the primary colors visible at this time of year. Which color is dominant depends on how much snow there has been and if it has been cold enough so the snow hasn't melted. The days have been warm enough, of late, with plenty of sun, so brown is the main color one sees from the air.

It looks as though this was a quarry area, long ago, but they probably were not rock quarries. They were clay and sand quarries, used for brick-making. The Hudson River, from just north of New York City all the way up to Albany, was dotted with brick-works in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The silo is from a cement factory that closed in the 1970s.

I have no idea how long this factory has been abandoned, probably for decades. I've no idea what was done there. At one time, probably well over a hundred men worked there. It could have been part of a brick-works as having river access made sense for shipping bricks to the cities north and south of this location.
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